Saturday, 9 November 2013

The Lawyer's Lodgings

I've completed all the rooms to view in the RL building but my mini building has a further two rooms to deal with.   We don't know if a Lawyer actually took rooms in Gladstone's Land but we do know that lawyers did take up residence in The Royal Mile where Gladstone's Land and the High Court are situated.   
This is just a little taster for you.   I'm waiting for my trip to the York Fair at the end of this month to stock up on some essentials but the room is far enough on that I can show you at least one side of the room.
I'll give details in a later post but so far all those hours of watching Garrow's Law have hopefully paid off!
Here's a little Scottish legal fact for you all - The marriage laws of 18th century Scotland appear astonishingly lax. Girls aged 12 and boys aged 14 were able to marry without parental approval* hence the rush over the border to Gretna Green!
* Taken from here


  1. ooohhh, I have been waiting for this! it's looking great! I love the blue walls particularly, and the light fixtures are just right - where did you get the chandelier? It looks really delicate, unlike the usual clunking light fixtures that are normally available.

    Have a fabulous time at the York show, I wish I was there!


  2. Hi Irene! This room is looking great! I love the chair pulled up to the fire... and the fire itself! I am sure you will have a blast at the York fair... you always have such well thought out and enchanting trinkets to show after!!!

  3. great scene and great photo! ( hopefully they have updated that marriage law!)

  4. I love that room it looks so natural, the young lawyer studying at his desk, warmed by the fire and books stacked on the cupboard.

  5. It looks great, Irene. You can't beat a period drama for a bit of inspiration.

  6. The wall color is gorgeous and the room already looks inviting and comfy-cozy. Have a great time at the show!

  7. How beautiful! I love how the lights and fire give a warm atmosphere.

  8. Hi Irene! I am HOOKED now on Gower's Law and sat through a Marathon of each series thanks to you!!! :))
    This law office deftly captures the atmosphere of the young lawyers place of business. The fire looks very inviting and the stack of books next to the chair are a great added touch!


  9. Im going to have to add Gower's Law to my netflicks que so I can see what the fuss if about, the room looks so cozy with a roaring fire


  10. Actually, it is Garrow's Law not Gower's Law! Sorry Marisa, typo!


  11. Hi Irene,

    What a great photo, the room looks so atmospheric! The glowing fires and the candlelight, seem perfect for these cold dark nights!!



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