Sunday, 28 July 2013


1992 - 2013

It's been a sad time in our house this week.    Thomas has gone and although he didn't do much this past year, given his age, or go anywhere other than his dish and tray his presence is greatly missed.


  1. Oh, Dear Irene
    I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.
    I hope the happy memories help fill the gap he has left.
    Much love
    Simon -x-

  2. So sorry Irene to hear your sad news - Thomas will be missed but you will always have your memories and photos x

  3. Hello Irene, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a pet is always doubt you will never forget Thomas. Hugs, Liduina

  4. Irene, giving you a hug from here. :(

  5. Sad time for you, we lost our Thomas two years ago, but we never forget him. xxx

  6. It is very sad to miss your loyal little friend.
    What a sweet picture of Thomas

    Dear greetings

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss...what a sweet face. :] Even when they live such a long life, they always leave us too soon. Hugs for you.

  8. Hi Irene. I am very sad that your beloved pet has passed away! It is always heart-wrenching when we loose our pets, even if they have blessed us with a long life! It is difficult to get over soon and I feel for you right now. We lost 3 cats all in the same year to sickness, and tragedy. Thomas the cat, has given you many happy memories that you will always be able to cherish.


  9. aaw irene, so sorry you lost your old boy.
    julie xx

  10. My condolences, Irene. No matter how much time we get with a beloved pet, it's never quite enough.

  11. What a lovely puss, so sorry for your loss Irene, hold on to the many happy memories you must have of him.

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  13. Oh, Irene! I'm so sorry for your loss. There is no way we ever forget our beloved pets. He certainly lived to a Noble old age. What a Wonderful kitty! You are in my thoughts.

  14. Hello Irene,
    I am so sorry for your loss my friend. You are in my thoughts.
    Big hug,

  15. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Irene! How sad it is to lose a beloved pet!

  16. I'm sad for you, the loss of a beloved furperson is such a private grief.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful pet. Thinking of you. Lots of hugs.

  18. Oh Irene I'm so sad to hear your news :-( You must miss him so very much. What an amazing age he lived to how lucky you were to have had him for so long! Big hugs sent your way! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  19. Thank you all so much for your lovely words.

    It does feels sometimes as though he's still in the house and, yes he did reach a very good age but he got very thin and looked quite scrawny - poor wee soul. It was easy to think he would be around for ever.

    This is the first time our house has been without a cat and steps are being taken to correct that. We're going to adopt Bob! Initially I felt quite disloyal to Thomas but Bob is nine and needs a new home. I'll keep you all posted.

  20. It's a sad time Irene, Bob won't replace dear Thomas but will create lots of love and fun in your home, and is lucky to have found a new home with you.

  21. Dear Irene,

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Thomas. He must have been a much loved member of your family.

    I'm sure you will show Bob as much love and affection, and it's nice to know that he will have a good home with you!!

    Andy xxx



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