Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Ghostly goings on in The Tenement

I know, I've met this guy before.   Given that it's Halloween, he just has to put in an appearance again and besides which - I love this pic (and the poem)!

Once I used to stay in this fine Tenement
Worked hard for my silver for food and for rent
Times were hard and oft I was low
I worked you see, for the Darien Co.*
But I look around now at how things once were
The press, the tapestry and fine oak carved chair
I remember too clearly at how I was feeling
When downstairs the wifie would bang on the ceiling
"Keep the noise doon, it's time ye were off
Ah've four hungry weans and yer spoilin' the broth"
Upstairs the judge lived with his lady wife
And he was the one who ended my life.
I robbed and I stole from the Darien Co
The company folded with nothing to show
In court the Judge told me, "Sir, you're a wreck,
You deserve to be flogged and then hung by the neck"
And so my life ended and I'm back to lament,
My life and my death in this fine Tenement.

*You can read about the ill-fated Darien Company here


  1. Happy halloween! I love your photo.

  2. I love this picture too!
    Have a great time Trick or Treating...

    1. Thank you Simon. Glad you like it - it's a bit of fun.

      Up here it's called "guising" and the kids that do it are called "guisers"!

  3. Happy halloween Irene,
    If I had to haunt a tenament for all eternity, I would want it to be yours.
    Big hug,

  4. Happy Halloween, Irene!
    Such a sad and Cautionary Tale...!
    Spooky and Creepy...
    Such a Lovely Chamber....!

  5. Oh, what a sad story. But, that's a great pic! Happy Halloween!!! :D

  6. Hi Irene,
    I just wanted to let you know I've a surprise for you on my blog this week.
    Cheers, Alennka



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