Monday, 29 November 2010

York Miniature Fair

I've been away for the weekend and have just returned.   The point of the exercise was so that I could go to the York fair.   Hubby came with me this time - not the fair, the place - and while I had a marvellous time browsing and shopping he spent his time going round the town which is familiar ground as we've been to York before and there's so much to see.

I must apologise for the quality of the photo - the daylight was going and it's taken in electric light.   Hopefully you can see assorted spindles, fabric (I thought I'd have a go at making a chair as I can't find exactly what I'm looking for), books, scrolls and a candlestick.

My two extravagances of the day were the keys from Danny Shotton and the bowl from Stokesay Ware.

It was my first visit to this particular fair and if you're anywhere near it, I would highly recommend it.   I had a great time!


  1. I enjoy your Tenement so much! You are such a careful buyer, so focused, and it shows, with the excellence of your settings.
    Lovely, lovely loot!

  2. Muy buenas compras. Perfectas para tu casa.
    Me encanta.
    Besos Clara

  3. What wonderful miniatures you bought, Irene! Can't wait to see the chair you will make... glad to hear you have a great time on the fair :-)

  4. It sounds like an ideal day. Did you get to The Miniature Scene as well?

  5. Wonderful stuff Irene - looks like we may have been buying at the same places! Next time will definitely make arrangements to meet!

  6. Thanks everyone.

    Christine - I was very good and deliberately stayed away from The Miniature Scene!

    My Wee Life - we may even have been at stands together without even realising it! It would be good to meet at the next one.

  7. Irene,I too love York Fair but couldn't make it this year. Have a go at making a chair as I didn't think I could until I tried and unless you spread your wings you will never know how far you can fly.

  8. Oh, Irene, you always pick such lovely things! The Stokesay bowl is a beautiful splurge :)



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