Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I've got my thistle.

For some time now I've been looking for a thistle finial small enough to sit on the apex of the attic window of The Tenement. As you will see, the original building has two windows, one with a thistle finial and the other with a fleur de lys. For obvious reasons I wanted a thistle but couldn't find anything small enough. That was until I got in touch with Mick (Handmade by Mick).

Mick very kindly took my instructions and photos, turned a few finials in different woods until he was happy with what you see here. I'm very pleased with it as it's the right size and proportions and (I think) sets the roof of nicely. Thank you Mick.


  1. I absolutely adore that thistle! I would so love to incorporate something like that into my Lake View house!

  2. Its just perfect Irene and sets the roof off to perfection,
    julie xxx

  3. It's just perfect. You can be very proud of your thistle, I like the roof, it looks so real.

  4. It is just perfect and well worth the wait.

  5. It's lovely, perfectly in scale and is a wonderful detail!

  6. Excellent thistle!! There's something fascinating about finials, they can identify a place so neatly.

  7. Thanks everyone. I'm thinking I should maybe darken it down a little to tone in with the stonework on the building but I don't want to lose any of the detail. I'm not sure about that yet!



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