Wednesday, 19 May 2010

I've just opened a parcel!

Two posts in the one day! Pretty obvious then that I'm on a few days' holiday. I've just received this parcel with a bucket of apples, a bowl of herbs and a bowl of porridge - well, I couldn't have a Scottish kitchen without a bowl of porridge. I just love the eaten apple sitting on the top of the pile.

I ordered these items from Oak Tree Miniatures

There's one more item of furniture to be ordered for The Kitchen and once that's done I'll be ready to post the completed room.


  1. They're perfect aren't they! I must check out their website (not that I need porridge!).

  2. I love the minis from the Oak Tree! Yours are fab!

  3. Son una maravilla, las manzanas me encantan!!
    besitos ascension

  4. Where there's a spurtle, there must be porridge :)

    I love your purchases, they're very well-done, aren't they? I love the wooden containers they're in, too.

  5. What you have just received is perfect. Like you I love the eaten apple and the bowl with the herbs. In real life I love porridge, I ate some when I was in Scotland.
    I can't wait to see these miniatures in the kitchen.

  6. Perfect minis, perfect colour, perfect for The Tenement!
    It must be hard to achieve porridge in miniature, but they've done it here so well.



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