Wednesday, 24 February 2010

A happy little dance!

This morning I was thrilled to find that I've been passed this award by Genevieve Thank you Genevieve for thinking of me.

I now have to pass this award to six others whose blogs I enjoy. No easy task as there are so many to choose from. The rules are:

1. Display the image and publish the rules;
2. Post the link of who won the prize;
3. Pass the award to six other blogs; and
4. Send notice to the blogs listed.

I'm passing this award to:

1. Casey
2. Eva
3. Sylvia
4. Synnove
5. Sandra
6. Josje

Thank you everyone for such inspirational blogs.


  1. Thank you so much Irene!!! It is truly appreciated!
    Only thing is..I cannot choose between a all of the adorable and "sunshine filling" I don´t!!

  2. Hello Irene - thank you very much and
    congratulations to your award!

    Eva J

  3. Hi Irene,

    it's all looking really authentic. I'm enjoying seeing you put it all together and keep the stories coming!


  4. Hello Irene,
    I found your blog recently and love the Scottish theme!
    I have left an award for you on my blog if you want to pick it up.



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