Saturday, 19 September 2009

Work has started.......

Work started today on the stone finish of The Tenement.

A quick trip to the DIY store got me four tester pots of grey paint. Grey is obviously not a fashionable colour at the moment as I had a bit of a hunt on my hands.

I'll be using the stencil and compound method and after painting four blocks of colour on my sample piece of wood, I made up the compound, sprayed my stencil and set to.

It was hard to determine exactly how grey the compound was until it was mixed with water and as you can see form the sample above, the one on the far right fits the bill perfectly. The idea is that the paint shows through to simulate mortar but on looking at a picture of the "real" building, there isn't much difference between the two. Once I get The Tenement painted and stencilled, I'll be using acrylics to add some character (ie. soot).

The great thing about this particular model is that it comprises of six individual boxes which will certainly make decorating each individual room a lot easier than the usual method of crouching down at awkward angles to reach difficult areas.

1 comment:

  1. Irene your new project is coming on in leaps and bounds. It looks just right for the area and era. Am really looking foward to seeing how the inside will come togther.
    Is a brillient idea to using roomboxes to great effect here.
    tc carol



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